In 1964 a gentlemen named Freddy King decided to start a boxing club in Gt Yarmouth with the help of his friend George Page.
The pair met and held the first meeting where the first club committee was formed consisting of;
Freddie King, George Page, Duggie Dugdale, Roy Simmons, D.J.Hacket, M.Allen, J.Gorman, C.J.Bacon, and J Greenwood.
The club was formed in March 1964 and housed in a local fish house on Exmouth Road. The club was named by Freddie King using his name 'KING' and 'FISHER' as the first premises being the fish house.
Kingfisher boxing club was born!
The first boxer to represent the club in 1964 was Billy Moyse - winning on his debute. Among the fist boxers was George Page's son Cecil Page.
Cecil has remained with the club after finishing his amateur career and along with Charlie Jary ran the club for many years. (Cecil and Charlie pictured right).
Over the years many have supported this great club with strong committee's pushing the club forward from strength to strength. All in doing so as volunteers of this non profit boxing club.
The club has moved premises a number of times over the years. 6 of the premises being ex fish houses.
In 1999 the current gym on Riverside road was the first premises to be purchased as a result of tireless work by the committee members and volunteers. The purchase of the clubs own gym was the forst in its history and is held in trust for the children of Gt Yarmouth.
Thanks to past and present committee members, coaches, boxers, volunteers and local business' the club will continue to grow and thrive as one of the top amateur boxing clubs.